As the new year of 2009 unfolded, so did the creative sparks of Seth Apter of The Altered Page in his Disintegration Project which you can learn more about here. I created my bundle on February 2 to weather both time and nature which you can see in a previous post here.
May 1 was the big REVEAL day. After several months of my bundle being outdoors in New York City, the only change that I can see is that the ink faded a alittle on the cover page and the pages are ever so slightly a drop more aged looking.
This leather butterfly also did not change. In fact, I think it's ready to take flight right now!
So for all great stories, there is a beginning- which was the creation of the bundle, the middle, which was the weathering and big reveal today, and lastly, the end.... we think... Seth???? which will be the creation of something new with our May 1 reveal to be shown on August 1. Now if you were able to follow all of this, you're ready to start your own disintegration project so -
let the fun begin!
Mine did not change much either but I still have quite a bit to work with. Nothing said that we only had to work with really bad stuff. lol
As I look at your project I try to imagine what you will make with all these separate pieces for the August unveiling ... especially the butterfly! This is such a great project, thanks to Seth... I'm waiting until this weekend to post about mine... Roxanne
Can't wait to see what you're going to do with it, Jill!!
Hi Jill
I am so bummed I didn't get a chance to do the unveil on May 1. My first art retreat ever was going on that day and I worked up to the very last minute so I my plans to write the post ahead of time went right down the drain!
I missed yours contribution to the project the first time so it's great to see what you did. I'm so surprised it doesn't look more distressed but its quite cool either way.
I'm going to approve the request to join (just checking the links to make sure you are you due to some issues with people posing on ning lately). If you didn't request to join please let me know!
Wow Jill, thank you very much for your comment. I love to layer as much as possible. Gives it the sort of depth I'm always striving for. I was going to do a little bit of reverse applique to let the flower come through more but liked the effect of the organza over it in the end.
I'm afraid my disintegration bundle got soaked again when we had a flash down pour here on the weekend. I had put my bundle outside on the porch to dry out. I'm afraid those of us in the Southern Hemisphere are having to face encroaching wintery weather which seems to keep everything damp and unusable.
I enjoy examining your different ingredients for your New York City bundle; inspirations for you are different from my rural cabin in the woods. I have been joyfully surprised by the incredible images I have been looking at and I am so anxious to see what develops by August. I made a small accordion book and it was in the garden and still needs more time to completely dry. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen
welll i can't wait to see what you DO with the next part of the project
AMAzing photography on your blog!!!
i see you are taking layer love as well...
looking forward to the projects...
It is useful to try everything in practise anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)
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